Foster 和 Adopt法律术语分析及英语解释

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Foster 和 Adopt法律术语分析及英语解释

2024-07-15 22:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

两者均指对与自己无血缘关系的儿童进行像父(母)般的养育或抚养的行为。差别在于foster (“非亲抚养”)一般是指在无正式的法律收养关系时对儿童的养育或抚养[1],其有些类似我国旧的婚姻法所规定的“事实收养”或由政府等指定的抚养, 如儿童村里假定的母亲与她们负责养育的儿童之间的关系。由此,与foster相关联的一些术语,如foster father或foster mother 也应译为“非亲抚养养父”或“非亲抚养养母”,表示受抚养者与抚养者之间无任何父母亲情关系,不论是血亲或由法律认定的收养关系;而不能像目前几乎所有的词典那样将其等同于 adopt而把它们译为“养父”或“养母”[2]。相比之下,adopt (“收养”)则是指收养人和被收养人之间已经履行且具有正式的收养法律关系。故adopted father或adopted mother才是真正意义上的“养父”或“养母”。

[1]“Affording, receiving, or sharing nature or parental care though not related by blood or legal relationships”,Cf. Linda Picard Wood, J. D. Merriam Websters Dictionary of Law, at p. 201 , Merriam-Webster, Incorporated (1996) ;"foster parent : one who acts as a parent in place of a natural parent, but without legal relationship. " Cf. A. S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English,at p. 346, Oxford University Press, London (1974).

[2] 参见陆谷孙:《英汉大词典》,译文出版社1995年版,第1252页;张芳杰译:《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》,牛津大学出版社1985年版,第465页;薛波: 《汉英法律词典》,外文出版社1995年版,第799页。

[3] "An act which creates a familial relationship in which the adopted child is in law and fact, treated as the adoptive family's natural child. ”Cf. McLeod, The Conflict of Laws, at p. 310,Calgary, Carswell (1983).




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